
Many years as an effectual leader of software, hardware, electronic, and technology development, having extensive experience with software development, systems architecture, and data center management as well as working intimately with telecom teams to build and provide the best overall solutions.  Developing scalable, maintainable, highly capable software for the enterprise, consumer, education, and research environments.  Operated multiple data centers in both the private and public sector; ensuring resources are available and well matched for the environment.  

Extremely effective in communicating with all levels of an organization to achieve desired goals; being able to communicate in a very technical fashion as well as in lay terms. While having extensive experience with a multitude of technologies, continuously work to know, understand, and elevate the skill levels of all team members involved, technical and non-technical alike, at different levels of an organization for successful concerted efforts.  

Bringing a level of enthusiasm, respect, dedication, and integrity to the team; ensuring that all members know that the work is valued as well as the individuals performing the work.  As an extremely technical person, continue to maintain an effective balance between team support, customer service, and business goals.  

Engaged in the community through public speaking events, workshops, and collaborative projects.  Please feel free to post comments or send questions.  


SQL Saturday - 506 - Baltimore BI Edition

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